Cláudia Antunes | Materials Science | Best Researcher Award

Cláudia Antunes | Materials Science | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Cláudia Antunes, University of Beira Interior, Portugal.

Publication profile


Education and Experience

  • 🎓 2021: Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, University of Porto.
  • 📖 2022-present: Pursuing a Master’s degree in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Beira Interior.
  • 📝 2023: Published research on green composites in the journal Polymers.

Suitability For The Award

Cláudia Sofia Baptista Antunes is a highly suitable candidate for the Best Researcher Award, based on her strong academic background, innovative research, and contributions to the field of materials science. As a master’s student at the University of Beira Interior, her research focus on natural fiber reinforced composites, particularly green epoxy composites made from animal fibers, aligns with contemporary trends toward sustainable materials. Her publication in the journal Polymers, titled “Mechanical Behaviour of Green Epoxy Composites Reinforced with Sheep and Dog Wool from Serra Da Estrela”, is a testament to the quality and relevance of her work.

Professional Development 

Awards and Honors

  • 🏆 Award Category Preference: Best Research Scholar Award.


  • 📄 “Temporal data mining: An overview” by CM Antunes, AL Oliveira, KDD Workshop on Temporal Data Mining, 2001 – Cited by 493 📈
  • 📄 “Generalization of pattern-growth methods for sequential pattern mining with gap constraints” by C Antunes, AL Oliveira, Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition, 2003 – Cited by 109 📈
  • 📄 “A structured view on pattern mining-based biclustering” by R Henriques, C Antunes, SC Madeira, Pattern Recognition, 2015 – Cited by 87 📈
  • 📄 “Acquiring background knowledge for intelligent tutoring systems” by C Antunes, Educational Data Mining, 2008 – Cited by 69 📈
  • 📄 “Sequential pattern mining algorithms: Trade-offs between speed and memory” by C Antunes, AL Oliveira, 2nd Workshop on Mining Graphs, Trees and Sequences, 2004 – Cited by 56 📈
  • 📄 “Anticipating Students’ Failure As Soon As Possible” by C Antunes, Handbook of Educational Data Mining, 2010 – Cited by 36 📈
  • 📄 “Predicting teamwork results from social network analysis” by PT Crespo, C Antunes, Expert Systems, 2015 – Cited by 31 📈
  • 📄 “Accessing emotion patterns from affective interactions using electrodermal activity” by R Henriques, A Paiva, C Antunes, Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, 2013 – Cited by 31 📈