Sadegh Yousefi | magnesium compounds | Innovative Solutions Award

Sadegh Yousefi | magnesium compounds | Innovative Solutions Award

Mr. Sadegh Yousefi, Ministry of Education, Iran.

Publication profile


🎓 Education

• M.S. in Materials Engineering, Semnan University (2014-2017)
• B.S. in Materials Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman (2010-2014)

🧑‍💼 Experience

• Experimental Sciences Teacher, Ministry of Education (2023-Present)
• Manager, R&D Unit, Khur Potash Complex (2021-2023)
• Researcher, Lab & QC Unit, Khur Potash Complex (2019-2021)

Suitability For The Award

Mr. Sadegh Yousefi is a highly qualified materials engineer with extensive education and experience in the synthesis and characterization of advanced materials, particularly nanostructures derived from brines. His significant contributions to the field of materials engineering make him an excellent candidate for the Innovative Solutions Award.

Professional Development (💼🔬)

Awards and Honors (🏆🎖️)

🏆 1st Place Award – Khur Potash Complex, 2021
🎖 Khwarizmi Youth Award – Participation with Scientific Design, 2019
🏅 Superior Idea Award – Innovative Ideas in Mining and Mineral Industries, 2018
