Saad Al-Haidari | Mechanical Engineering | Best Researcher Award
Dr. Saad Raad Mujid , Al mustansiriyah university, Iraq.

Publication Profile
Suitability For The Award
Saad Raad Mujid is a commendable candidate for the Best Researcher Award, given his robust educational background in mechanical engineering and thermal power engineering, complemented by extensive hands-on experience in the field. Graduating from the College of Engineering at the University of Mustansiriyah in Baghdad, Saad has developed a solid foundation in engineering principles, which he has effectively applied in various research and industrial settings. His commitment to advancing knowledge in thermal power and fluid dynamics positions him as a valuable contributor to the engineering community.
Education and Experience 

- Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering
University of Mustansiriyah, Baghdad, Graduation Year: 2019/2020 - Master’s Degree in Thermal Power Engineering
University of Mustansiriyah, Baghdad - Research Assistant
Focused on thermal power, thermofluids, heat transfer, CFD, and hydraulic engineering - Course: Study of Forced Heat Convection from Staggered Pin Fins Array
University of Mustansiriyah, Duration: 6 months - Course: Study of Natural Heat Convection from Staggered Pin Fins Array
University of Mustansiriyah, Duration: 6 months - Course: General Industry Safety and Health
Osha Foundation, Basra, Duration: 30 hours - Course: Well Logging and Safety
Osha Foundation, Basra - Work Experience
- 15 months with Hyundai Company on the Karbala refinery project
- 10 months with Samsung Company
- 5 months with JV Companies
- Course: HSC
Maysan Oil Company, Duration: 3 weeks
- 15 months with Hyundai Company on the Karbala refinery project
Professional Development
Research Focus
Awards and Honors 

- Certificate of Completion: Study of Forced Heat Convection
- Certificate of Completion: Study of Natural Heat Convection
- Certificate: General Industry Safety and Health
- Certificate: Well Logging and Safety
- Recognized for Outstanding Performance at Hyundai Company
- Recognized for Commitment to Safety at Osha Foundation

- Analysis of thermohydraulic flow and enhancement heat performance in 3D dimple tube based on varying geometrical configurations – Cited by 1 document, 2024
- Evaluation of hydraulic thermal flow and heat performance augmentation in a 3D tube fitted with varying concavity dimple turbulator configurations – Cited by 0 documents, 2024