Mukul Laad | Condensed Matter | Best Researcher Award
Dr. Mukul S. Laad , The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India.
Publication profile
Education & Experience:
- Secondary School Certificate: June 1981, Bombay, India. High First Class grade.
- Higher Secondary School Certificate: June 1983, Bombay, India. High First Class grade.
- B.Sc. (Physics): University of Bombay, June 1986. High First Class grade (74.72/100).
- M.Sc. (Physics): Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, June 1988. High First Class grade (7.02/10).
- Ph.D. in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, May 1995.
- Postdoctoral Fellow: Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India (Aug. 1995 – July 1996).
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow: Max Planck Institute, Dresden, Germany (Nov. 1996 – Sept. 1998).
- Senior Postdoctoral Fellow: University of Cologne, Germany (Oct. 1998 – Sept. 2003).
- Research Scientist: MPIPKS, Dresden, Germany (Oct. 2006 – June 2009).
- Professor “G”: Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India (Present).
Suitability for Best Researcher Award
Professional Development (
Research Focus 

Awards and Honors (
- Alexander von-Humboldt Fellowship (Dresden, 1996-1998).
- Successfully applied for funding thrice to the German Research Council (1998-2003).
- EPSRC Research Fellow (Loughborough, 2004-2006).
- Invited lecturer at various international conferences including ICTP Trieste and Cavendish Labs, Cambridge.
- Co-authored an invited article published in the New Journal of Physics (2004).
- Invited to write a monograph on “Transition Metal Oxides” (in discussion).
Publication Top Notes
- Orbital-selective insulator-metal transition in under external pressure (Cited by 126) – 2006
- Metal-insulator transition in rutile-based (Cited by 117) – 2006
- Normal-state correlated electronic structure of iron pnictides from first principles (Cited by 104) – 2008
- Orbital Switching and the First-Order Insulator-Metal Transition in Paramagnetic (Cited by 83) – 2003
- Orbital Kondo Effect in: A Combined Local-Spin-Density-Approximation and Dynamical-Mean-Field-Theory Study (Cited by 83) – 2003
- Effect of strong correlations and static diagonal disorder in the Hubbard model (Cited by 69) – 2001
- Origin of the Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior of (Cited by 60) – 2001
- Theory of multiband superconductivity in iron pnictides (Cited by 54) – 2009