Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for
DrBolongYangXi'an Polytechnic UniversityChinaDesign of Materials and ComponentsElectrochemical energy storageBest Researcher Award
DrLiangweiChenPeking University School and Hospital of StomatologyChinaRepairBone Tissue EngineeringBest Researcher Award
Dr.LuoLiangSchool of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of TechnologyChinaPolymer-Matrix compositesNew Concrete Green MaterialsBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrChengjunZengHarbin Institute of TechnologyChinaPolymer-Matrix compositesShape memory polymer composites, 4D printing, Mechanical metamaterials, Composite mechanicsBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrRumyanaLazarovaIMSETHAD - BASBulgariaMetal-Matrix CompositesAluminum-Graphene compositesBest Researcher Award
DrMichaelHatfieldUniversity of Alaska FairbanksUnited StatesPrototypingAerospace Engineering/UASBest Researcher Award
ProfLiyunLiBeijing University of TechnologyChinaAnalysisCivil EngineeringBest Researcher Award
MrAhmetHasçelikAfyon Kocatepe University İscehisar Vocational High SchoolTurkeyProcessing and ManufacturingMicro milling of thin-walled structures and optimization of cutting parameters with Taguchi approachBest Researcher Award
Prof. Dr.AdrianDavidUNICAENFranceDesign of Materials and Componentsfilms minces, hétérostructureBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. Dr.DolgorsurenBatjargalMongolian University of Science Technology, School of Information and Communication TechnologyMongoliaAnalysisData science, Machine Learning, AI engineeringBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. Dr.MohamedImariouaneUniversité Mohammed V de Rabat, Ecole Mohammadia d'IngénieursMoroccoDamage MechanicsMatériaux céramique à base de zirconeBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. Dr.TayfunABUTMus Alparslan UniversityTurkeyProperties and PerformanceActive Control, Suspension System, Optimal Fuzzy LQG methodBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Domain Subdomain/Subject/Service Area Selected for


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How to Apply

How to Apply

The Candidates with eligibility can click the "Nominate /Submit Your Profile (CV) Now" button and fill up the online submission form and Submit.

This section describes the total Research Awards processes in step by steps:

  1. Received Nomination documents will be sent for screening process
  2. Acknowledgement intimation via email will be communicated to the Nominee
  3. Team may ask the proof for the credits mentioned in the Resume.
  4. Cross verifying the documents submitted & forwarding it to the Committee.
  5. The selected candidate indicated through email. Also the selected nominees will be checking anytime in website track my submission.
  6. Event and Celebration Registration
  7. Release of the winners list in the official web page
  8. Award presentation ceremony
  9. Release of the Award winners and his profile Report.


Registration Details

Registration Covers

  • An exclusive web page for a highly rated profile of the award winners will always be available online.
  • Participation to  Award event Session and Keynote session.
  • Certificate, Memento, and Photographs.
  • Event Kit, Tea, Coffee & Snacks.
  • Veg & Non-Veg Lunch during the Event.
  • Event and Celebration Registration
  • Release of the winners list in the official web page
  • Award presentation ceremony
  • Release of the Award winners and his profile Report.

Registration Procedure

Click the “Register Now” button at the conference page and enter your Submission ID in the Search Box
Your Submissions will be listed in that page. You can find the Register Now link beside your submission. Click the link and now you will be redirected to the Conferences registration form where you can make your registration using credit/debit cards